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Its formation saw the husband as the head of the family; the other members of the group, wife and children, are his dependents and subordinates. In the animal kingdom, among the lower animals, this constitution is no where to be found.
The Patriarchy and its brainchild, the “family”, as described above, rose due to one single factor: survival of the species, which is contingent on women seeking out protection for herself and offspring by multiple men, and men willing to provide it in exchange for sex.
[What follows is the nature of Matriarchy]
There was one major problem, though—paternal uncertainty or Father-Offspring Conflict. Women, the lying, deceitful, whoring cunts that they are, were engaging in sexual crypsis, just as much as they do, today. They would whore around with the top 2% of men (Chads, in modern day parlance) — the bad boys — and conceal their fertility from simps in order to procure protection and resources from the simps and manginas. The woman does this, because it guarantees the best of both worlds for both she and her offspring. Yes, as I mentioned earlier, women are filthy whores and as is the case, their vaginas are an inflated currency and they do not bring much to the table, if anything at all. Other than their vaginas, they offer nothing much of value and substance. Yet, everything for them is their sexual value. This, as you can imagine, resulted in much bloodshed among the men, where those on the lower tier would often challenge the Chads for dominion, which, were they to win, would grant them access to more women. The simps would then create firewalls and develop a Pharoahic syndrome (a mental disorder typified by inferior men (usually violent, unattractive, short manlets) that lead them to kill off or depose males and their progeny who pose a potential threat to their dominance) to prevent them from having to compete. After all, men hate competition, but love competing, especially when the likelihood of them winning is great.