>>19377260>[Sola forgoes all delusions of this being a hard-cam promo. She goes to sit on the opposite turnbuckle, face directly into the eyes of the enemy-frenemy-ally-crush-Angel-friend she never had.]"Amy, you got a match against Skelly Skelly and you should have won. You had Priscilla at ringside with you, and you got screwed by the incompetent referees this place seems to sometimes have. You have faced Ash Romero in a singles match; she's a dream match of mine, and you just went out and 'did it'. You pinned Holly Hope-Again before she had mentally checked out, abandoning her place here like she ran scared from the Dojo that I built. Alongside your gorgeous fiancé, you've fought for the tag team titles, and squashed one half of the current tag team champions in three-sixteen. Ooh hell yeah, you did that, Amy Flame. And... you're still only in this match because Mighty Milf chose you to be?"
"How does it feel that after all of that -- all of the things you've done, and all of the things I've done -- for better or worse, in good times and in bad, in sickness -- hang on, that comes later for you. How does it feel knowing that Mighty Maria sees us as equals? Hell, how does it feel that she sees you on the same level as a pain in the ass like Onigiri? Because she clearly sees me on that same level, and I'll be honest with you, it kind of pisses me off. And since I'm here, Onigiri, you've done nothing but talk down to me and talk up Amy this whole time; Maria sees us all as equals. You should be as mad I am. Maybe as we both are."
"But I've gone off script. Might Maria, Onigiri, and you, Amy Flame. I don't just need to win... I want to win. For me. For Carmody Jefferson. To show you, Onigiri. You, Maria. To show Pris-- well, there are a lot of things that will open up for me if I can win that title. My name is Sola Fire. And I will *not* let you get in my way."