>>14800511Why is it that the official mathematical measurements of the ball DON'T FIT real world observation? Calculate it yourself, you lazy niggers.
https://dizzib.github.io/earth/curve-calc/?d0=30&h0=10&unit=imperial>Flat Earth tests, experiments and observations Playlisthttps://youtu.be/dmJ7-hVeNPY?list=PLltxIX4B8_UT4qSV8ENCnqPvReRKt3FmF [Open]
Curvature of the ball says the PHYSICAL horizon is 3.5 miles away, that's science, that's math, that's the official ball. Yet we see the two platforms right behind each other, as you would expect on a completely flat surface. 10 miles away, and the horizon (which is not physical but optical) is even WAY beyond this last platform. Instead of a 3.5 miles horizon of a fixed mathematical ball we get a horizon that is some 30, 40, maybe 50 miles away, but again, the horizon is just optical. Whatever distance it is, the ball is either 20-30 times bigger than they tell us, or, regarding all the other physical impossibilities of the ball jewniverse, it's not a fucking ball at all. Rather it's exactly what all ancient civilizations taught, without exception.
Do you choose to believe "what everyone believes" or do you use your own God-given common sense and realize the simple truth right in front of you? "Most people believed this for the last 200-300 years" and star wars movies is not a logical conclusion. People can be told the biggest and most obvious lies, as you can see with this scamdemic, with professors and otherwise intelligent people believing and engaging in this mindfuckery. They don't have a conscience and only care for their positions, that's it, the system is self-preservative, even through you guys, through people not caring and not using their head, while thinking they are smart somehow.
Globers lose every single discussion (including the "scientist professors":
https://youtu.be/qLQYmve6WHc [Open]
https://youtu.be/C0NTF6c60Uw [Open]