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Down below you'll see a list of countries that ultimately didn't pass the ultimate bant quality control test and are recommended to be filtered; not every country on this list is necessarily filter-worthy, this list is more of a heads-up on the current state of bant and an unobtrusive reminder with whom you should NOT under any circumstances engage in any adequate discussions
1. USA (the highest amount of tripfags per capita; highest amount of absolutely braindead retarded posters like futasuck, dt, normie; generally poor post quality; constant racebait/poltroon/frog/tranime/sharty related spam — filtering only this one country improves bant quality significantly)
2. Russia (generally low intellectual value and poor post quality; poltroonerism; high amount of the sharty users per capita; proxydiscorderism; ironic transgenderism; high amount of teenage users per capita)
3. Canada (phenomenally poor post quality; no intellectual value whatsoever; avid roleplaying; home flag of an infamous discord capo aryan chad — personally him and his discord gang has been engaged in a list of variable crimes such as: avid tranime necrobumping, posting and promoting coal as bant culture, posting touhou porn, grooming, asking homosexuals on discord for feet pics)
4. Germany (poor post quality; criminally deliberate tranime necrobumping; board gatekeeping; poltroonerism; national-socialist revisionism; insignificantly low intellectual value; is a known groomer)
5. Italy (average post quality in general if not for the infamous discord vermin korbo — dwarf shitalian that spams the board with pointless discord drama threads, engaged in a relationship with a previously famous transgender woman from New York alice3d; racebait spam/poltroonerism; discorderism)