>[Kelly Omega is no sooner out of the GJPW Dojo that she feels her mood drastic go up. She spent long enough there as a dumb rookie -- after a brief stint in Spaghetti Town, before it was named as such, believe it or not -- and she didn't want to spend a second there longer than she had to. Felt she was there for a week.]>>19110331>>19110575As Paule excitedly bends over backwards to kiss Tomboy's ass, Omega once again begrudgingly thinks to herself that Romero getting a chance to face all those people is something that Omega would have loved. But time is convoluted, and sometimes you have to take one for the team; when the Dog comes barking, sometimes you have to bark back. Romero says her goodbyes to Paule and Las Hijas, and for a brief moment makes eye contact with Kelly O. Fuck, Firebird was so cool once upon a time. Quietly, almost to herself, Omega mutters:
"Good luck, Tomboy. I'll see you soon."
It is not intended as a boast of confidence.
>>19111253But as luck would have it, from Romero to Kay Shiro, Omega's day gets fucked on once more. If there ever a time for a >heavy sigh this was it, but... that machete looks like it means business.
"We know who you are, Shiro. You still stealing nicknames? Apparently fucking so. Goddess above, no wonder you never"--
>>19111265>>19111434>[As the G.O.O.S.E. cuts loose, Omega instinctively steps in front of Paule and Las Hijas, and she hears Onigiri moving up from behind her.]"One of us already has a fight scheduled with your stupid fucking bread rookie. How about you two fuck off and try to do this shit properly? Or are you both such fucking cowards you need to bring weapons against unarmed opponents?"
>[Omega gambles on a response.]"What's the matter, Kay? Worried you can't win in an actual wrestling match?"