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Embrace Sedevacantism anons.
The Church has been subjugated by Satan, since Vatican II, just like you can read in prophet Daniel and Books of the Maccabees.
>Jesus said end of the world shall be met with "Abomination of desolation" [Mk 13: 14]
>Prophet Daniel writes about Antichrist taking away everyday sacrifice [Dn 11: 31]
>In book of maccabees (~70 yeras BC), jews turn into pagan worship, animal sacrifices of Old Testament are stopped, and pagan altar, called "abomination of desolation" is build on and against true altar of God [1 Maccabees 1:54-59]
>Protestants denied true presence od Jesus body and sacrificial meaning of mass. They builded new altars and turned liturgy of Christ passion into party.
>Masons of Vatican II change mass into protestant-like. A Bride of Christ (true Church) has been replaced by Whore of Babylon (three crowns - antipope tiara, red and purple - colors of traitorous bishops and cardinals).
Pic rel - Novus Ordo "church" and masonic tample