>>8423597>I’m looking to stop someone trying to jump meMUH STAHPN POWAH! XDXDXD
Pic related.
>I’m packing for civilian life>let me pick something wildly impractical for maximum yeehawCome on. Mares leg is dumb and the only really practical option for yeehaw in civilian life. Even in civilian life a revolver just isn't sufficient when even Jamal can get an 8 round Hi-Point C-9 for way less than a revolver and it won't be retarded to load. You can talk all day about reliability but in general most guns work if you don't abuse them.
Knowing that the most likely situation you're going to be up against is a mag dumping nigger with 10+ rounds of 9mm I'd rather take something with more than 6 shots just in case I need to take cover.
>hurr durr I don't want to get into a gunfight doeNeither do cops but Jerome does.