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Fuck you guys I should of never listened to you about not taking the vax
>Be me
>relatively healthy, worked out, only smoked cigars on weekends and almost never drank
>diagnosed with covid four weeks ago
>blew it off like it was nothing laughed at the doctor when he asked me if I had the vax
>non stop chest pains for the past two weeks
>no matter how hard I try to breathe I can’t get enough air
>went to the hospital last Friday
>hear they’re probably taking me to the ICU
>never told me directly but from the way they act I can tell they think it’s bad
>wonder if taking the vax would of prevented this
>Brothers kids might grow up without an uncle
>both mom and dad are worried I’m not going to spend Christmas with them
>meanwhile I’m in pain and can’t breathe while all this is happening
Fuck you faggots you call the people who got the vax sheep but really you’re the fucking sheep because you listened to one guy on the internet that said DUDE VAX BAD LMAO and based your whole life off of it
What does thinking retards from /pol/ and /bant/ are right get you?
The gloom reality that you might die in a hospital bed before you could even get your life started all because you wanted to listen to contrarian outcast retards.
Don’t be like me don’t listen to the retards on here
Get the vax
It’s not worth risking feeling like this just to feel like you’re right on the internet