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National socialism is the answer to all of our collective problems. I am being half ironic. But also half serious. Hear out the half serious part before the NPC part of you calls me a fed.
I am fed UP. Not a fed. I see so many of you young men talking about suicidal ideation and sharing your stories of loneliness and misery. I feel the exact same way.
The root of the problem is not simply that YOU are a bad person, or flawed, or evil. Everyone has flaws. That’s not the problem.
The problem lies in the fact that our society has given us nothing to live for. Nothing to believe in. I don’t know about you, but I am basically just short of genius. My whole life I was called talented, gifted. People told me I was a genius.
Think about what Bobby Fischer, the genius of chess, said about the Jews. The problem isn’t that you and I deserve to suffer, it is that the system has systemically been ordered in such a way as to shut people like us out of it. And naturally, this leads to our collective suffering. We all have the exact same situation: lonely, no career hopes, no friends, family turning against us. Alienated.
This isn’t how it should be. We do not deserve this, do we? Why should decent, brilliant, gifted young men live without hope? This project has been carried out deliberately. None of this is happening on accident.
You can either give into despair, or you can grow a pair of fucking balls and realize that the only solution is to stand up on your own two feet, collectively, and build something real. There is absolutely no other option for us to succeed.
There is nowhere to go but forward, and upward. Not backward. Not into hiding. Not cowering. Forward, upward.
This is the ideal of National socialism as a guiding principle. You are a man with extraordinary, magnificent, blinding potential. Most of us are.
The left - communists, Jews, liberals… they would have you believe it is your own fault. Assert your Will.