>>21885210ive refuted you countless times, jesus himself refuted you, you are just to visibly racemixed to understand it
this guy btw the very first time we spoke made some blog post about how hes (his words not mine) ugly and looks ethnically jewish and was bullied as a result he then went on to say his father read the bible and covered his house in jewish knick knacks which made the bullying even worse, i told him his dad was wrong for that that isnt what the bible is all about, he said i looked like seth green and in JEST i replied "that one cut me deep ngl" and that was too much encouragement he ran with it, and spammed seth green pics for months accused other random anons of being me, made edits of my picture to make me appear monstrous and edited pictures of seth greens face and my face together etc. he will deny this but its the absolute truth