Aleister Crowley, a top satanist summoned a demon back in the day. The demon told them today they call us angels and demons but tomorrow they will call us something else. A former israeli space chief, (mind you, a highly respected and authoritative MAINSTREAM figure) said that aliens exist and governments cooperate with them. Recently above the pentagon was seen and recorded a pyramid ufo just casually flying over it. If you believe this to be a lie the pentagon has brought this out for public awareness Also the us dep of defense had a meeting talking about ufos. And finally in lil nas's music video it depicts him sitting by the forbidden fruit of knowledge with the serpent. And guess who comes behind the tree? An alien. This subliminally ties aliens with fallen angels and lucifer. Guys its the end times. the rapture will be blamed on an alien invasion. Repent and come to Jesus Christ before your soul will be damned forever. To be saved all you have to do is confess your sins to him and ask him to give you a new heart and his spirit. We are saved not by deeds but by our faith in Jesus Christ. Just like the thief who was nailed on the cross next to Jesus who lived a life of sin but at the end believed in Jesus so his soul was saved.