>>12895528Any mormons on /pol/ are not typical in any way, mostly because any 'good' mormon wouldn't be here, so all that remains is hypocritical sinners. I'll stop contributing to the arguing trash fire and say some basic thoughts of mine and hopefully encourage you to look into it a little bit more.
LDS is not a classical Christian church by any means, but in the end we mean well. Jesus died for our sins, and because of him we shall live again. Most of the important doctrinal differences are the same ones that have been argued about for thousands of years. For the rest you'd need to believe that God isn't completely silent and that miraculous things aren't limited to ancient times. Mostly it leads to the same hopes and dreams as everyone else - to be a good person and have a good family and be with them again forever.
Also if you are a young adult in many areas there is a special congregation to encourage kids in their 20's to get married, but so far that part hasn't worked for me. But it's fun and we do goofy weekly activities.
If you want to learn more, you can meet with some classic name-badge wearing missionaries over video chat or something.