>>6342794>be me 15>going to school normally>longest day in the week>drink a fuckton of water thoughout the day>last lesson>INeedToPee.gif>cant go, because I am a home shitter>fear the school bathrooms>WaitAndSitItOutTilHome.jpg>lesson ends>"bye everyone, i need to hurry now!">rush to bus stop>miss the bus>have to walk>halfway trough>LegIsGettingWarm.png>just peed myself>the little retard i am i just let it all out>not even bothering taking my pants off and releasing the rest in the tall gras>completly pissed my pants>everything is wet>walk past some people i know>act like everythings normal>Piss smell and stain>come home>dad breaks into laughter>mommie tries so hard not to laugh>be me, literal faggot who wouldnt take his pants off to pee in the tall grass, but instead releases everything into pantsSorry if too long, sorry if thats not the topic. Thought i would share :)