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i've honestly thought about somehow connecting doom with skyrim in some sort of bethesda universe sort of way
yeah maybe it could work. In a sense that what place Im in is basically the warp (yes Im going to rip off warhammer) and I dont care about whatever le heck "oblivion" is
but yawn ugh
too much work as always
literally cities in skyrim exist so you walk inside them to buy things.
Slaughtermaps are basically like sections of cities inside the warperino. something like that
where do all these heckin people (zombies) come from lmao. you know what, zombies is cringe. Lets just call them chaos cultists instead
must literally be like 40k with a galaxy population of gigagajillion and actively heckin people are transported in via traitor marines who arrive at hive worlds after cultists summon them