>>10243051>respectful and less aggressiveHave you seen our white trash? They protest less, but they are pretty violent overall. There are also quite a lot of knifings in dodgy neighbourhoods.
>>10243115But you wouldn't "settle" for only vanilla, would you?
>driveIt's not that I don't have a drive, I just don't neccessarily see why the whole thing is being held on a golden pedestal. I think that if you think all day about sex then you're bound to be disappointed once you finally get around to having it. Also, having it too often with a bunch of different people would make it cease to be special once I found the right girl. Funny how many expect to get some pure girl but they wouldn't want to be the same for said girl.
>the good ol' timesI think media is at fault for these ridiculous standards set for both genders. Take films for example, or advertisments. The main cast is usually composed of handsome, way above average actors. Sure, most of it is makeup, but does the average person know? Maybe. Their subconscious registers the good looks regardless, and ends up reaching the conclusion that that is what the average person looks like. Everyone in the media they consume is a 10/10 Chad/Stacey, when in truth these people are a minority further enhanced by makeup and camera angles.
I can't really complain as I was called handsome many times. And it somehow feels like I shouldn't talk when I could have all the success I want, but good looks make you really paranoid. There are tons of perverted women out there, and you'll never know whether even one of them will love you for who you truly are or just because they like your body. And if it's the latter, there will always be someone who looks even better.
I never liked women with tons of makeup on. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something which makes them look unnatural and unattractive to me. I don't like big lips either.
>2DWhat do they think about you being into them?