>>19380773Absolutely the case, young people seem to simply accept whatever the governments and corporations throw their way, there is a passive mindset, more like a passive aggressive one, but the aggression is only held toward themselves and their brothers, notice how people have become so rude and inconsiderate even in the smallest of matters? How families incessantly bicker and fight? How people have become more self-destructive than at any point in history? Be it drugs, or obesity, or alcoholism or promiscuity, people live to make themselves and others suffer. I really like this quote from Jefferson, he knew the dangers of the military industrial complex. That same system (which became exponentially worse under jewish control) has made the world what it is today. A militia makes far more sense, to be rallied in time of need, and also forced to train regularly, to form bonds between neighbors so that everyone goes and everyone fights in time of war, is far more effective than a giant band of mercenaries which ends up being an occupying power in the nation it was supposed to protect.