>>13625802Is that where it happened? I don't remember her saying anything about the island. And in any case, only about 2% of rape allegations end up in someone getting jailed because they're so hard to prove, especially if it happened years ago.
>huh i suppose that makes sense yeThe ones who started from the bottom do have all sorts of sadistic tendencies on the other hand. Bit of an extreme example, but Hitler liked to piss on girls. There was also that Japanese officer who set up a research lab just so he could mutilate Chinese women. And the list goes on...
>its individual choice on if someone want to be useful or notI don't disagree with that. If someone is capable of being self-sufficient then they shouldn't be forced to do what they don't want to. But on the other hand, why allow people to aren't self-sufficient and do absolutely nothing to live off of other's taxes?
>whats the difference in outcomeThat the people who are forced to be chaste will cheat the first time they can get away with it because it's in their nature to sleep around.
>he just say it to stop people calling him out on his pedozooHe'll come to admit to that too sooner or later, just how he started admitting to liking more than just diapers.
>>13625793More of what, exactly? Oh and I forgot about this:
>Besides I'm not doing deviancy to public irl.I find fat girls gross irl but I like them in 2D. That doesn't mean I don't like them at all, just like how you're still a deviant even if not irl.