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Our civilization is collapsing before our eyes!
The other day I was out walking and off in the far distance I heard a train whistle horn . "Blah". An industrial sounding horn with all of the romance of a gray freight elevator door closing, sound!
Then I Realized, from that sound alone, our civilization is unwinding!
Once upon a time, years Ago, Amtrak, and other train lines, had a horn that warbled with several notes, ah such a mysterious evocative sound of mystery and exploration and wonder. Made me Want to take a trip somewheres!
No more. Not loud enough, the engineers said. Away it goes.
Once upon a time the family took a trip by car. Oh the mystery of riding along new roads, seeing farmers cutting hay, going through tiny towns and even stopping for lunch in Emma's cafe. Local home made food.
No more. Got to Get there quick? The soul less interstate is taken. You see nothing. No one sees anything, all of the romance of that gray freight elevator! You all ride for hours in that gray freight elevator! You stop at a franchise fast food, just like the one you eat at near work, industrial food, quick fast and tasteless.
Fat free, sugar free, quick in and out, streamlining. Kids even get bored in school as something with meaning will offend someone, so out it goes! Thus the vacation is just as dull.