Quoted By:
>>You're here typing to me you stubby gimp.
>I'm actually in 5 other threads right now with only 1 of them using my name.
>Adapt. Overcome. Kot.
>Don't give me the credit if you're not going to stick with it flip flopper.
>I didn't do shit to this board and honestly you know what really fucked it up? Spammers. Know who got caught in the crossfire? Me. Why? Who the hell knows.
>Every attempt that has been made to put me down or get me to leave has been in vain and you know what? People's opinions change and so do people.
>I'm going to stop giving you (you)'s now because you're not worth it. I've got anonymous posts to make and other things more worth my time.
>Enjoy watching the decline though and maybe if you look hard enough you'll see the real issue and that my shenanigans died out very quickly but things like Yonkers and spam have stayed.
>Literal shit and spam is all there is left here.