>>11365375it definitely is that bad. having the worst base stats in the game means they have the least agency at the start. laning 2v2 makes any mistakes really punishing and any leads insanely snowbally on top of the fact that 3v2 is a bigger advantage than 2v1 especially when it comes to diving and god forbid the support dies and you get stuck alone. they also have 0 map pressure outside of dragons.
the reward for all that pain is that they still have to be attached at the hip to their support since they've been splitting xp and will get rolled by assassins/mages/most bruisers in a 1v1. if you're lucky enough to stomp your lane, nobody else on the map is out of control, and your team is willing to play around you then adc is really insane but the stars have to absolutely align for it to happen.
basically botlane is jungle/mid difference 90% of games and really only exists to get everyone other than the adc fed
leona is ok but i have a bad habit of playing way too aggressive when i'm behind and that's even worse than normal to do on leona.
think i'll play lulu or thresh
>>11365379i'd think that if you can get far enough away to change your clothes that you've successfully evaded the police already
>>11365392big calculator doesn't want inquiring young minds to know the secrets of pi