>getting diabetes from zero carbMost people who start the diet are ex-vegans, celiacs, and diabetics looking for the best way to manage their diseases. Zero carb reverses insulin resistance.
http://www.zerocarbhealth.com/index.php/category/health/diabetes/Everything you need to know is all here:
justmeat.co>inb4 kvetching over the name goldsteinDon't listen to anti-health shills on /pol/ conjuring false anecdotes to support their agendas. Carnivory is a cure-all. Peterson's politics aside, he and his daughter are doing great work spreading awareness for carnivory. Her blog, Shawn Baker's blog, and many others are filled with real in-depth interviews and amazing before and after transformations. Again, don't take mine or anyone's word for it. Do your own research for yourself and just try it. I cured bipolar disorder and gynecomastia since April. Although I haven't lost that much weight (15lbs), my body composition is far leaner and more muscular than it was before I started, and I've been mostly sedentary. Just sitting on my ass, eating meat, and drinking water. My clothes actually fit me now. I exude alpha pheremones. I don't require toothpaste or petrochemical soaps and shampoos to mask carbage-stink. I'm a lean, mean, clean, killing machine and you're a bunch of sugarfed sheeple. Lmaoing at your carbage-addicted lives while I'm out apex-predating