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You know, I’m as much in favor of politeness and decorum in race relations as anyone. I’ve never been in favor of being gratuitously offensive. But I’ve also never been in favor of sticking my head in the sand or refusing to deal with relevant facts: especially facts relevant to the ever-growing and ever-more-threatening racial problem in America. On these broadcasts I’ve talked about the much greater tendency of Blacks toward criminal behavior. I’ve talked about the prison statistics and the murder statistics and the armed robbery statistics and the rape statistics. These statistics come from the U.S. Department of Justice and the Census Bureau and the FBI, and they show really radical differences in Black and White behavior. These behavioral differences are based on race, on genes — not on income. One can see this radical difference in criminal behavior between Blacks and Whites in the same income brackets. And these crime statistics, just like the AIDS statistics, are relevant. White people need to be aware of these racial differences. Actually, it wouldn’t hurt Blacks to be aware of them too. Anyway, I don’t talk about crime statistics in order to offend anyone or to hurt anyone’s feelings. Yet whenever I do talk about them, I receive the same whining letters from White idiots who ask me why I can’t understand that “we’re all the same inside.”