I only trust doktors/pill peddlers that practice trans and gender fluid medicine. Kekekekekekekekek.
Mostly, useless meatbags that follow the hat the computer tells them to say. Shamefur dispray
To any anons with chronic gout: this is the only thing that keeps a gout attack down to 24-48 hours.
>Ayurvedic medicine: Guggulu available on amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0188OCNQS/>chronic kidney stones: Chanca piedra (translates to stone breaker) herb. Available as tea or pills. I take the pills. Also on amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B06Y4SBG2QOr ebay, etsy, etc.
Inb4 leddit poasting, kiss my fatass nibber doktors