>>9924583Where do you think Norse Runes come from retarded leaf???
Phoenicians = Hebrews
And these Hebrews sailed and colonized all throughout the Mediterranean, Iberia, and even the British Isles where they mined for tin and copper in Cornwall to build King Solomon's Temple.
As you can see, ancient "Phoenicia" encompassed NORTHERN ISRAEL, which was ruled by David and Solomon.
The Hebrews who sailed to these distant regions in Europe were probably the Biblical Tribe of Dan which were a sea-faring Israelite Tribe.
Some Danites also sailed to Greece and Ireland during the Exodus instead of following Moses to Canaan.
>Author Muller, in his work Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum, also relates these events as recorded by the pen of Hecateus of Abdera (6th century B.C.): Hecateus therefore, tells us that the EGYPTIANS, formerly being troubled by calamities [referring to the TEN PLAGUES AT THE TIME OF THE EXODUS], in order that the divine wrath might be averted, EXPELLED ALL THE ALIENS GATHERED TOGETHER IN EGYPT. Of these, SOME, under their leaders DANUS and CADMUS, MIGRATED INTO GREECE; others into OTHER REGIONS, THE GREATER PART INTO SYRIA [meaning Palestine]. THEIR LEADER IS SAID TO HAVE BEEN MOSES, a man renowned for wisdom and courage, founder and legislator of the state. Afterwards many Mosaic institutions followed (Vol. II, p. 385).