Anonymous (ID: mIa+SS+P) 7:58:32 PM 3-January-22 Mon No.14200200
>>14200217I'm getting sick and tired of the ABSOLUTE CHUDS roaming this board and making it exceedingly hard to get any work done. My eyes keep wandering towards these CHUDS and their shenanigans.
Meanwhile kot posters are STILL getting slaughtered by the janny.
Anonymous (ID: jA2Pgije) 8:01:02 PM 3-January-22 Mon No.14200214
Anonymous (ID: 20aNWv3d) 8:01:33 PM 3-January-22 Mon No.14200217
>>142002311559444878466.png (36 KB, 750x1000) google yandex iqdb wait
36 KB
>>14200200 (OP)b.. b-buh you said that I am a chud.......
am I part of the problem now??
Anonymous (ID: mIa+SS+P) 8:03:36 PM 3-January-22 Mon No.14200231
>>14200260 >>14200266satori_5.jpg (26 KB, 320x400) google yandex iqdb wait
26 KB
>>14200217Don't worry, you're one of the good chuds.
Anonymous (ID: 20aNWv3d) 8:08:10 PM 3-January-22 Mon No.14200260
>>142002651558525353075.gif (354 KB, 400x400) google yandex iqdb wait
354 KB
>>14200231>mla+SS+P IDWhat made is this?
mile laps armless + Starting Strength + Penisextensions ?