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Wanted to start another Medical-RedPill thread, a lot of good information was passed along and exchanged the other day, and I thought we could do it again.
This is just a thread where people can drop any knowledge or information they know or have about anything as it relates to Medicine, Medical Treatment, Pharmacology, Diet, Dentistry etc. A lot of cures for many diseases are already out there, and a lot of treatments have already been discovered.
Most Medical Issues ranging from: Lyme Disease, Cavities, Sleep Apnea, Non Verbal Autism, Obesity, High Cholesterol, HIV and Parkinson’s can be reversed and treated.
However, despite there being cures for almost everything out there this information is suppressed and often attacked by BigMed and BigPharma. There is no money to be made in you getting better. There is nothing to be gained by the Industry if you can just take a few $20 shots and get better. In an interview I watched with a former Pharmaceutical Industry Executive for one of the BigPharma companies, he said that the goal (at least in the United States) was to keep people
>Functionally Unhealthy
That is to say just healthy enough for you to go to work, pay your taxes and consume goods, but just UN-healthy enough to keep you going to the doctors, paying your Health Insurance, going to the pharmacy etc.