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Stop supporting e-celeb faggots, stop participating in e-celeb faggotry (outside of rightfully deriding it). Stop supporting dubious internet """political movements""". Stop being an extremely online slacktivist loser. These people are attention whores, grifters and narcissists at best, and feds/fed assets at worst. These movements attract mutts/incels/social pariahs/fake Christians/wiggers/emotionally unstable people/extremely online losers/fatherless deviants, and other types of people you generally wouldn't want around you in real life if you're a decent and honest person. It's fine to like or even support some online person that actually has something insightful to say, but these people aren't about that.
Start improving your actual life instead. Get your shit together, stop spending so much time on the internet. Start lifting. Start making meaningful connections with other people IRL and network with them. If you're interested about learning about the world, start engaging with actually useful material instead of stupid internet sound bites and twitter/pol posts. Acquire some actually useful skills so you can contribute to your friend group and community. Help other people trying to do the same by sharing information. If you're interested in politics, start on the local level and see where that can actually take you, be actually rooted in something instead of being a part of some gay deracinated online movement. Start a family. Hold fake "traditionalists" and "conservatives" accountable when they try to co-opt your genuine beliefs into some internet aesthetic for more superchat money.