>>14446453Serious answer here.
There's a book called "The Fluoride Deception" which outlines Phyllis Mullenix's studies into this, as well as the origins of how mass flouridation gained popularity and traction. The comment about the teeth thing is partially true, the phenomena was first noticed in a natural flouridated well in Texas. It's been 1.5 decades since I read it, but the gist is as follows (iirc)...
The actual molecule/ion of the fluoride in question passes the blood-brain barrier without issue. It deposits in the pineal gland area of the brain, as well as in the thyroid of the body. What's probably the saddest fact for us all is, it builds over time, imperceptibly- the result is an ADHD-like behavior (studied via mice in Mullenix's studies).
I would speculate other effects, such as issues with the thyroid (which can be a ton of different things) are probably also common.
That's why people don't "recover" from it after drinking normal water. I don't know how any of us could fully ditch the effects once there is enough of a deposit, except maybe over decades of purified water and no additional fluoride intake.
Mullenix was basically shut down after her studies, and the book, although well researched and written, seems to have fell on deaf ears.