>>14125589White Tantra, NNN, And Transmuting the Orgasm:
On Tantric and Egyptian Sexual Energy and the Orgasm
It was believed in ancient Egypt that transmuting the orgasm was the key to eternal life, and that it was intimately connected with the chakra system. A chakra is an energy vortex connected to the entire human energy field, and the Universal Heart Chakra is the fifth of thirteen chakras. (There is also a system of seven or eight chakras; in that system, the heart chakra is number four.)
The ankh visually demonstrates how, through this technique, sexual energy is neither lost either through the crown or through the root, nor does it destabilize the chakra fields through uncontrolled orgasm.
The Egyptian system held that transmuted orgasm was intimately connected to the fifth, or Universal Heart Chakra.” In Hinduism, this is the residence of the Shiva and Shakti union - the resonating aham of Being and Becoming in balance.
>the orgasm is the same energy behind the creation of the universe>it is incredibly potent and also incredibly holy>ejaculation should only happen in the name of procreation>You're trying to be present and arise a blissful state with your partner or by yourself; you are meditating during sex, transmuting the base orgasm via forceful breathing exercises into an extended, blissful full body and spiritual state shared with your partner>by "edging" without orgasming, you charge your chakras with vitality, you walk away with the most powerful feeling of love for your partner