>>7543729Is that so? As I said, I have never really touched that game, however I've seen some magic within it~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HLHqINNuM8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjstV8qloQA>>7543737Yeah but is that any change from whatever help you had a year or two ago?
Weren't you taking medication for asthma back then as well..? From what I recall, it didn't seem like you bragged on how much that helped you out.
>>7543750Awooo Italy~!
Got any plans for this evening?
>>7543752>workplace B is a 8 minute walk from home and a 5 minute runFit boy Oracle!
I had to calculate the difference in percentage to make sure you aren't slacking but ~37,5% time difference while running seems like an "okay" note.
>Enough to provide me with cute touhou nendoroids and games+netflix subscription!Living in the present like a real man <3
>>7543759>How did you survive this long without your daily dose of caffeinated drinks?Had about two cans of energy drinks over the span of three day exams back in middle school, but it was more of a victory drink after the thing, rather than key difference from passing and passing out.
>Are you sure that you're not living in the deepest depth of hell?It was just a kindergarten, our Mrs. Dorotka baked the best yeast cake you could find on Earth~
It's been so many years since then and I haven't been able to make such a great cake as she did..
I remember getting some sand into my eyes and even with all the pain, when my mom arrived to take me to the doctor, it was a cake day and I absolutely needed to finish it with one of my eyes closed before we could go.
It was that dope~
an equilibrium to bad drinks
>I'm doing well today. And you?Swell as well~
>How was your weather today/this week?Cloudy, painful sunny, freezing, hot, rainy and unpredictable in general.
>he weather these couple of days has been weird to say the leastYup, basically that.
>>7543798>Unknown flagWoah
>I made myself some teaFuck, I forgot again.. brb