>>14972586>people are simply wired differently now youre never going to get some lardass who eats mcdonalds to go on a hikeYou literally said it yourself here. People are wired differently. This wiring is the result of talmudvision and digital content creators. Short-form shit, zero thought, zero reflection, instant results, instant gratification. Pick up the new product, take a selfie and post it on leddit for karma, check the checkbox in your stream cheevos list and then get excited for the next product. If they can't get instant results and instant gratification, they simply discard it straight away. Ever wonder why they suck at long-term relationships, long-term financial planning, long-term career planning, long-term ANYTHING? This is why. This right here.
>>14972643>thats mostly because of the kike youtube algorithm No, this is because this has proven to work. Marketers have been aware of this shit since forever, many generations before the internet came to be. Flashy braindead shit sells. Bread and circuses.
>women and niggers were given phonesAgain, entirely different subject. Women are more easily swayed by emotional messages, men by more practical ones. Both genders are equally susceptible if you tailor your message to them. Easy example that all of /pol/ is familiar with - political grifters. And no, women are not "inherently bad" or "to blame for the fall of le western civilization". This is kike D&C. A D&C tactic so potent, you can trace it all the way to the dawn of civilization. Idk, maybe you could stumble on some video creator that explains it some day.
>not that the internet was badThe internet is a tool that you can use in a variety of ways, same with guns (and computers). The TV is bad because it only does one thing and can be used for only one thing - to passively consoom.