>nobody grabs a persons crotch by accidenttickle party, no place gets much stimulation for maximal potency of the tickles
and I didn't soecify it was a guy for a veeeeeeeeeery good reason...
split second, I was old enough, it was exactly in the middle in the foggy gray are, I'm not stupid, but I can't figure this one out
okay I might be stupid but not about this
>everything was a mistakeI don't want to put it like that
she could'be been with some other guy, she may have dissapeared (but then shed be on slist of missing people), I don't know if shes happy I can only hope she is
>chaosthe order was iften set by needlesly torturing the masses into submission
stealing a loaf of bread doesn't strike me as something worthy of losing a hand
>ordersI'm looking into semi anarchistic systems that offer more autonomy without the risk of obvious consequences
though since I'm not a politician my research will be for naught
I don't think either of us are the ones to speak about social dynamics, all I do is creep around and stare at people what they do and listen what they did to fuel my simulations, I don't get to talk to many people but it's about the normal amount
how much do you talk with people anyway
do you still hang out with your best friend?
I hope mono doesn't start hating me because of this, I can't help but feel how he was very cautious about me in the early days and now that hes a semi-regular/regular it be a shame if he left for my advocation for pedos
I guess that's how Amos Yee got yeeted off of youtube