ごきげんよう /a/, the moderation team has come up with a few guidelines to improve your experience on /a/ and encourage people to lurk moar, etc. Mods will be more proactive in moving or removing threads when deemed necessary. This will only be stickied temporarily.
- Please avoid making threads in “general” or “template” formats. Avoid chaining threads, copy-pasting OPs, backlinks, and the like.
- Avoid redirecting all discussion of a series to a single thread. Users are free to discuss similar content in separate threads as long as threads are not being spammed.
- As commonly recurring threads tend to suffer from degradation of quality over time, posts inside such threads may be held to higher standards in terms of rules 6 (Quality of Posts) and 10 (Spamming/Excessive Reposting).
- Threads in /a/ should be primarily based on anime/manga discussion. Consider using either
>>>/h/ or
>>>/cm/ for image sharing threads, and
>>>/bant/ or
>>>/trash/ for generals which have long since exhausted all fresh discussion.
- Discussion should be centered on series and characters, not the posters or communities that discuss said series and characters.
- Aim for original discussion or content, both when creating OPs and posting inside threads, and allow threads to die naturally.
- Request threads belong on
>>>/r/ or
>>>/wsr/, and “spoonfeeding” is not encouraged as that degrades the point/validity of using those other boards. Lurk and learn, rather than demand chores from the board.
- Threads which are /a/ related but have no clear alternative forms (such as buyfag/drawfag) are allowed as long as they follow these guidelines.