>>18684419>".....yes, the poor girl has some rather extensive injuries. Extensive abrasions and bruising throughout her upper body and a concussion of unknown severity."Dr. Clark isn't sure what to make of this nurse. A lot of the staff here in Spaghetti Town General Hospital seem eccentric at best, perhaps even actually obstinate or incompetent. He scrutinizes her face as she takes down a few notes on her clipboard.
"Any broken bones?" she asks him, before chewing on the end of her pen.
>"No indication on the X-rays. MRI may reveal some occult fractures. She should stay for further monitoring; I've given a strong recommendation against discharging tomorrow without further evaluation."The nurse nods. "Maybe I'll call her sister. Colby? She's a wrestler for the Waifu Wrestling Alliance too, we have her on file--"
Dr. Clark grimaces.
>"Have you paid attention to the Emergency Contacts page that the WWA offices sent over to us on the fax machine?"The nurse looks at him and blinks. "Fax machine?? What's that, is this 1990 or something?"
Dr. Clark sighs and produces a paper from WWA HR. Where the primary contact should be listed, "Do not contact my sister Colby under ANY circumstances!" is written, and a second name and number is written in the alternate contact section.
>"Contact the APPROPRIATE emergency contact number, please. And by all means, speak with the young lady when it's appropriate. She's concussed, not dead."