>>7363161ส เบแดฅเบส แตแถซสณแถฆแตสฐแต, แดต แตสฐแตแตแตสฐแต แถฆแต'หข หขแตแตแตแตสฐแถฆแถฐแต แถซแตหขหข แถแตแถฐหขแตแซแตแตแถฐแตแถฆแตแถซ⋅⋅
Did you cut both of them while fixing your shower?
I mean, sure - warm, running water is great and all - some would even call that a win แตแตสธแตแต แตแตแตแถฐ แตแต but h e c k..
You're not left handed now, are you?
Is it going to trouble you at work a lot..? Or are you going to earn some lighter assignments due to the injury?
>>>pic related thats my hand all patched up as of 3 hours ago>3 hours agoแดฎแตแต สธแตแต หขแตแถฆแต แถฆแต สฐแตแตแตแตแถฐแตแต สธแตหขแตแตสณแตแตสธ, สทสฐสธ สทแตแถฆแตแถฆแถฐแต หขแต แถซแตแถฐแต⋅⋅!
Maybe at least insurance covered it?
>how about you how are you donig today?Pretty neat, I'm going to play some vidya with my friend later in the night~
And I did all of the things I had in plans for today, so pretty great so far \o/
Still gotta get myself to study those practices contracts, but that's just a matter of time since I've got it near my desk.
>>7363165Allo Runner o/ how has life been treating you today~?
Because I really cannot complain too much <3
Nice post, based Israel - keep at it ( ´ โฝ ` )b
>>7363217>its your every day suicidal britF-Furfriend..? /แ โ๊โแ\
>>7363227I could play one or two games with you, but if lobby gets full, I'm ready to go.
Unless you really want to, then sure~
>>7363239Greetings birthday Ireland, how 'ya doing? <3
Finally snowed around where you live?
>>7363265Awoo Nicemark~
>imageสฐแตแถแต beautiful piece ส•แดฅ• ส
Wonder if it was made just in digital form.