Let's see.
War, Famine, no energy to farm and transport,... so and we have pestilence from govt & corporate Biolab weapons.
https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/schwab-family-values/https://www.globalresearch.ca/nato-declares-intent-include-all-countries/5776739https://quemadoinstitute.org/2017/08/18/new-us-naval-base-on-ukraines-black-sea-coast/where was that article that said Ukraine was the largest of CIA Nazi Stay-Behind-Armies and is basically NATO. Try the one above.
Elites perverted natl plans since WW II for USA and over 150 years of UK, British New Colonialism based on Malthusian and Darwinian Ideas that match neofeudalism and globalism pretty much exactly..
Webster Tarpley did video on this.
You might want to check out Michael Hudson on Finance Capitalism and Corporate Socialism. Plenty of videos. Richard Werner is very good to and has British Accent I believe. plenty of videos. Now there is talk that US Bond Market will look like Japan after their collapse and Japan has been unable to stop printing more money and keeping interest rates low.
Cecil Rhodes Dream is partly completed, but it looks like The Forth Reich. Did you know that Cecil Rhodes was the first to create Concentration Camps or Gulags (South Africa). So it is important to look at institutions in UK like RIIA, Chatham House,... and transfers like Pilgrims Society and perhaps Tavistock. The USA has plenty of ones like CFR, so many hard to list them or count them.