I like her tree branches.
>>10196503Have you read Lolita? It's one of the best written books I've read in English (in terms of its usage of language).
Jack Townsend sounds awfully familiar.
>Anne FrankWait, so the original is more or less fake? Pretty awful dad if he did it just to get a quick chash grab from the death of his daughter.
Also McCarthy can write quite well too. Blood Meridian, Suttree and even Child of God (pretty nasty this one) are good examples. The Road is one of his more simpler books.
>If I ever have kidsYou're looking quite far into the future.
>kagebushin no jutsuI admire his dedication, he even uses a VPN to call my pics cute. He didn't say my claim was false, so it stands. R-Right guys?