>>16779612>prostitution were to become legal, the cam whore business model will die over night and all of those little whores will either start sucking cock at a brothel or learn to cook nutritious and delicious meals.Autistic incel power fantasy .
Realistically speaking all this would do is give women more shit because of retarded men like you enabling them like always. Prostitution is already accepted around the world in most cases and we still have an onlyfans epidemic. It's not only the USA funding onlyfans it's countries that already have prostitution such as
>Europe>Japan>SEA>South America That are supporting this shit too, literally adding prostitution to the us will do nothing, onlyfans that's will still get simps to give them money.
Realistically the only approach to fixing the women issue is to add religion back into the equation and let them submit to man not the other way around, like cucks like you want.
>>16779591No it doesn't even matter honestly, you can fuck a Whore if you want. In a just society we would be stoning whores.