Quoted By:
>In-Depth discussion
Haha, most of the time it's just circlejerk and unfunny shit
>Help stopping fascists
Reddit is mostly full of SJWs, I wouldn't touch some subreddits even with a fucking stick and hazmat suit
>Always funny pictures
*Always reposts of unfunny normie tier memes
There you go, fixed it
>Poorly written and false posts downvoted
Another false. Some posts are upvoted to front page and there are many stories when people witch hunted wrong people who did nothing wrong. Same for comments, some people can write a comment that disagrees with the majority and is downvoted to hell
>Very rarely will something be learned
Depends on what board you browse, you won't learn much from /b/, that's true
>Intelligent disc-
As again, you won't find much of that on /b/ and similar board
>Accomplishes nothing for the community
It does, altho it is rare nowadays
>Filled with pornog-
d e p e n d s o n w h a t b o a r d y o u b r o w s e
>Poorly written posts bumpe
Same can be said about reddit yo
Why did I even bother writing this shit