>>13415606>>13415607>>13415605Imagine you are a chariot. If the horses are not pulling in the same direction, your chariot will crash and break. Think of your passions as the horses yoked to this chariot. Until you become very old, you are stuck with these horses. So how do you conduct the horses to all pull in the same direction? The solution is to find an outlet for your passions that is not self-destructive. A way for the energies of your lust to burn away without harming you. This can be done by simply getting involved in sports or creative hobbies. So instead of spending your evenings alone in front of your computer where your lust can lead your astray, spend this time playing in a community football league or taking kickboxing lessons or military model making or the electric guitar or whatever. Do what you must so that the horses of your passion are moving in symphony.