>>16684251>>16684278>As I Like Mesopotamian/Canaanite/Egyptian/Greco-Roman Paganism, I wanted to syncretize with that to fill this empty, but I also have the option of choosing Abrahamic Satanism because the Jesuits demonized Jurupari. What do I choose?At least I have background sketch for LARPing like the pagans germanics LARPing the Romans, Israelites, Hindus, Atlantis, etc...
>Ludwig Schwennhagen (Austro-Hungarian Empire, circa 1862 - Cândido Mendes, March 1932) was a professor of History and Philology in Northeast Brazil, writer and proponent of the Phoenician Presence Theory in Brazil>Schwennhagen cites Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Book 5, Chapters 19 and 20 as an example of an account of the first voyage of a Phoenician fleet to have crossed the Atlantic and reached the coasts of Northeast Brazil. He argues that, for this purpose, the Phoenician navigators would have resorted to the sea currents, favorable for the crossing. Schwennhagen states that the Tupi language belongs to the large family of Pelasgian (Proto-Greek) languages, being a branch of the Sumerian language. In his work, he mentions that the seven tribes of the Tupi nation resided in a country called Caribbean, a large piece of land located in what is now the Caribbean Sea, where they had taken refuge from the collapsed Atlantis. They were called “Caris” and were linked to the Carian peoples, from Caria, in the Mediterranean. In support of this concept, he cites the History of Brazil by Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, to confirm the tradition of a migration of the Caris-Tupis from Caribbean to the north of the South American continent, a tradition that survives or still survived among the indigenous people of Venezuela. He also cites Father António Vieira, who says that the Tupinambás and Tabajaras told him that the Tupi peoples migrated to the North of Brazil by sea, coming from a country that no longer exists