I will reply to you here.
>>11391302I don't know about it. Or perhaps I do and I have only forgotten the names of the people involved. Perhaps the other one does. But no, I'm not Irish.
>but also Jon Venables is still in prison for child porn they found on his hard drive after he got out of the slammerWell that's not a shocker, really. Prison cures nobody of their sick fetishes. Have I ever told you about that one American institution which claims to attempt to cure paedophiles? It serves as a prison in a sense, as people can't leave unless they are cured. But the rate of success is very low.
>most of our professors didn't make the books so they didn't try to get them boughtI haven't heard of any such cases here either, but apparently it's not that uncommon in the US.
Don't call it a delusion, it's a good thing to dream big, isn't it? Perhaps I should try it too.
>x to doubt; I don't want to ruin my boxers every nightIt's not that common. About once per week, maybe twice but that's rare. Don't you wash your pajamas at least once per week? I wash my bedsheets once per week too, but that may be a bit extreme... Hold up, that means the succubi never let me do this nofap thing for real.
>if you ask me- keep it as simple as possible and no simpler These old school Tifas are quite simple yet I like them more than the newer ones so I suppose you're onto something there.
>if the analogy was goid you would be the casual user, that's why I broke the false dichotomy by giving the other optionsOh, I thought I was supposed to be the maniac and you were alluding to the fact that I was much more perverted than you deep down. But remember how quickly Aussy found those oni doujins I mentioned months ago? Now that takes skill. Now what would you classify yourself as? Not the maniac, I assume.
Also what did you mean by
>you can go by by posting short remarks and get unnoticed but the moment your paragraph bursts out you kinda get ousted as the oxford boythots on this tifa