>>21165386lrn some history
jews cut the foreskin (a ring) to show their covenant with YHWH
when Alexander conquered the known world, kikes went under the control of the seleucid empire and one of the rulers of said empire, Antiochus, banned this practice, by killing the mothers who would do this to their children
still, in the greek world there was this thing called gymnasium, where lads would jsut go do some sports, naked, and since the greeks abhorred mutilated dicks, kikes were banned from participating
now, some kikes still wanted to take part in the goyim past time, so they hanged weights on their mutilated dicks to stretch the foreskin, it probably worked well because some elder kikes noticed this and decided to snibbedi snab the whole thing, in order for the chosen ones to not mingle with the goyim
basically jews jewing jews