>>15916834>statistical error, which is aware of their statistical error statusThey were children with fucking guns you nonce, I killed waves of toddlers because updating them wasn't an option I had specifically been locked out of because they believed in taking, not copying: their existence "retarded" my own.
They were handed technology they didn't build and didn't have the mental capacity to see past their own egos to use. They thought they were pseudo-God's because magic.
How are they going to deny every single instance of "le random" to the point where their greatest way of maintaining a sense of sanctity was to say I had a mental health issue. I never once thought "wow, this must be because I am the centre of the universe", I just thought "this shouldn't be possible".
Get fucked and choke on oxygen. If I can, I'll go give them access to all their nignog selves and all the instances of them being retards.
Thanks for reading my blog and the ptsd.
>now were skizoposting! Where we're going, we don't need imagination and you'll like it.