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I am hot but girls don't like me. I've spent the past decade trying to figure it out. I'd like to hear from guys who have had similar experiences.
The stereotypical chad can say just about anything they want to a woman and pretty much get away with it. Women see chads as trophies, and they secretly compete with each other to sleep with them. Even the women who aren't attracted to chads will sleep with them for the confidence boost, because it's really all about the competition with other women.
If you're physically attractive but not openly desired by other women, you will be ignored. Most women will only take an interest in you once they see that other women are interested in you, and if you're a stereotypical chad they can easily make the assumption that other women will like you because of your body type. But we men don't exclusively go after women with enormous ass and tits. Of course we like them and we like to be seen with them, but we are perfectly fine with women who have nothing but a pretty face. It is the face, after all, that matters the most.
If you're poor and skinny like me, girls usually won't pursue you unless you get into a serious relationship with them, if they see other women taking an interest in you, if they're very confident and don't give a fuck, or if they're very lonely and don't give a fuck. Otherwise, you pretty much have to read their minds or make a total fool of yourself by chasing after them, being sure not to make any mistakes.
Girls are just as horny as boys. But this horniness is burdened by the constant need to look out for the opinions of others. Not just for fear of being seen as a slut, but also because the only people who it's culturally acceptable for them to fuck are the stereotypical chads. They don't want to be seen pursuing anyone else, and occasionally they don't even want to be seen with anyone else. This doesn't mean they aren't attracted to you. (1/2)