>>1178957Fuck off "Leaf"Shill!(Us) "redmen"Are beginning to wake up.
The white ppl can stay because they the bought "Christian Values" & enough time has passed for some us to "Forgive" W T.
Yeah I get called an Apple all the time by "My PPL"-muh race meme.
You Fucking Establishment cheerleaders/shills have no Idea how fun it is to be on the winning side of history.Tell senpai up north to stop acting like Dindus when we build pipelines to fuck the Middle East & lower gas prices (Witch lowers the prices to everything*).Down here in 'MERICA(We)are all American 7.0 now.
BTW now /POL/ will make a: Why siding With Canada/England In the American for Liberty
Was Native Americans Biggest Fuck up.(It WAS)
* Even Cannabis reeeeeee!
when b8 threads back fire