Tune in on Sunday May 14, 2017 for The Humanity Party® BlogTalkRadio talk show from 4:00-6:00 PM Mountain time. Go to...
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thehumanityparty/2017/05/14/05-14-17-the-humanity-party-radio-talk-show-thump ...
to tune in from your computer or call 319 - 527 - 6231 to listen from your phone. Press the number 1 if you have a question you’d like to ask the spokesperson of THumP®.
The Humanity Party® (THumP®) is an effort to organize a worldwide political party representing all of Earth's inhabitants. Our efforts are to establish a new world of law and order under ONE unified world government. This BlogTalkRadio Show is where THumP®'s premise is discussed and challenged. It provides a platform and venue where anyone in the world can participate in the establishment of a new government and help promote THumP®.