>>18640437The white population we have is 98.6% pure white, and those who are not pure white only have very small trace amounts of nonwhite DNA. This pure white population is the largest in all of human history. We may be 56% of the population (probably closer to the mid-60s when you count the millions of Hispanics that legitimately are 100% Iberian), but the vast majority of the remaining 44% is American niggers and latinos, both of which are populations with substantial white admixture. Both groups are getting whiter while whites remain pure. The long term result of this will be that the nonwhites of this country will converge on a new white-passing ethnicity that isn't all that meaningfully different from actual pureblood whites.
What is happening in Europe on the other hand is unlimited abortions for white people while niggers and arabs and poojeets come in by the plane and boat load every five minutes.
We are the whitest country of all time and will continue to be so as Europe falls to the black and brown hordes.