>>6631512I know, you did not decide to live, you were simply brought into the world through the zygote in your mother's womb, but what you must understand, is that your mind is simply built by evolution to elicit movement for an organism, that being your body, your intelligence and conciousness is a product of a billion neuro connections that work in unison to form the entity of your soul, the form of matter of the universe use to be much less complex, we were once just clouds of gas in space, and our wills are simply the conduction of energy, much like everything else in the universe, you generate a magnetic field, your mass attracts all other mass in the plane of existence, you are more than a bundle of cells, you are a part of the great network of life, even if your mind was removed from your body at birth and locked away in a pod until death, you would have dreamed your own reality without your body or external senses, you are simply that which light enlightens, I hope this word salad helps you out a little anon.