>>11304562>better to be in a household with wrong people than to be aloneI disagree, it depends on how bad the people are and how devastating the lonerism is, if the scale tips in anyone's favour the choice present is evident
unless I want to be on the streets I have to suck up with folks I got, if I had the option of being all alone I wouldn't like it but it would be better than current situation, it isn't optimal but it's better
somebody else might not be in the same situation, it's individualistic and tipping scales for everybody can't be done all at once, this isn't something you get to call majority, you can call tendency but not prefference
I asume by your wording that you returned to living alone because of last year uni- which in turn might be boosting your depression and loneliness... meaning you possibly lied when you said nothing is bothering you
and if you haven't yet I'm getting notes that you're feeling antsy about it, you don't like the fact- which is understandable; still if something is bothering you can m say it if you want
>sex with everybodydo I look like a manwhore to you?
besides sex is like the last thing I want- though I do want it- just not as much as I'd like somebody with my interests that I can be close with
>why should dtheywhy shoildn't they? it's like asking why should niggers be allowed to breathe (kek)- by asking the question you're setting up a positive claim "niggers should not be allowed to breathe", I'm asking why shouldn't they if all rules are played nicely, no harm is brought upon to anybody that wasn't strictly concensual- which again does not imply that harm is being brought upon
too long but okkei